Java Redis Projects

Redis Requirements

Spring Redis requires Redis 2.6 or above and Spring Data Redis integrates with Lettuce and Jedis, two popular open-source Java libraries for Redis.
For Connection Factories :
Sentinel Support Changes
Redis Configuration Sentinel :

Jedis Connector

Working with Objects through RedisTemplate


String Focus: String-focused Convenience Classes


Hash Mappers


There are Listeners  : Pub / Sub :






  • Redis Project Directory
  •  :  PDF





Encryption and Programming

Redis & Management

Docker container:


Username :

Timeout Record TTL



Redis Sentinel Documentation

Redis Sentinel provides high availability for Redis. In practical terms this means that using Sentinel you can create a Redis deployment that resists without human intervention certain kinds of failures.

Redis Sentinel also provides other collateral tasks such as monitoring, notifications and acts as a configuration provider for clients.

This is the full list of Sentinel capabilities at a macroscopic level (i.e. the big picture):

  • Monitoring. Sentinel constantly checks if your master and replica instances are working as expected.
  • Notification. Sentinel can notify the system administrator, or other computer programs, via an API, that something is wrong with one of the monitored Redis instances.
  • Automatic failover. If a master is not working as expected, Sentinel can start a failover process where a replica is promoted to master, the other additional replicas are reconfigured to use the new master, and the applications using the Redis server are informed about the new address to use when connecting.
  • Configuration provider. Sentinel acts as a source of authority for clients service discovery: clients connect to Sentinels in order to ask for the address of the current Redis master responsible for a given service. If a failover occurs, Sentinels will report the new address.


Distributed nature of Sentinel

Redis Sentinel is a distributed system:

Sentinel itself is designed to run in a configuration where there are multiple Sentinel processes cooperating together. The advantage of having multiple Sentinel processes cooperating are the following:

  • Failure detection is performed when multiple Sentinels agree about the fact a given master is no longer available. This lowers the probability of false positives.
  • Sentinel works even if not all the Sentinel processes are working, making the system robust against failures. There is no fun in having a failover system which is itself a single point of failure, after all.

The sum of Sentinels, Redis instances (masters and replicas) and clients connecting to Sentinel and Redis, are also a larger distributed system with specific properties. In this document concepts will be introduced gradually starting from basic information needed in order to understand the basic properties of Sentinel, to more complex information (that are optional) in order to understand how exactly Sentinel works.


Redis Replication

* Redis-replication-Redis_kzcom


DE: senti_redis

Redis’in High Availability Çözümü: Sentinel

Spring Boot – Annotations


@ –


Reference :




Spring Boot Modules

Spring modules. Some of the most commonly used ones are:

  • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  • spring-boot-starter-security
  • spring-boot-starter-test
  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf



Sonar / Coding Quality Tools


# Example Maven


# Example Exclusions






Job: Bir jenkins projesidir. Otomatize etmek istediğimiz işleri burada belirleriz. Örneğin, job config üzerinden şu repository’i çek, şu şartlarda build et, şu testleri çalıştır ve belirlenen kişilere mail at gibi işlemleri burada belirleriz.

Node: job’un üzerinde çalıştığı sunucuyu ifade eder. Testleri başka bir bilgisayarda koşmak istediğimizde node oluşturur ve bağlantı için gerekli şartları gerçekleştirdikten sonra node’da testlerimizi koşabiliriz.

Plugin (eklenti): Jenkins saf haliyle yüklenir, ihtiyacımıza göre plugin yükler ve bunları kullanılırız. Örneğin, Job çalıştıktan sonra mail atması için “Email Extension” eklentisini yüklemeli ve post-build adımında kullanmalıyız.

Pipeline: işlerin ardışık bir sırada yapılması, bir işlemin çıktısının sonraki gelen işlemin girdisi olması anlamına gelir. Ör: Bir test adımının başarısız olması durumunda diğer bir testin hiç başlamaması gibi.


Before Linux Installation


Docker Container Management

# Creation of the Repo


# Realtime Build Counts








Ref: (All the content!)




