Passing Exceptions on to the Caller: Caller Inform


A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3

// 04 - Exception HandlingPassing Exceptions on to the CallerCaller Inform
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;

public class CallerInform
    public static void Main()
        Summer summer = new Summer();
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e);
public class Summer
    int    sum = 0;
    int    count = 0;
    float    average;
    public void DoAverage()
            average = sum / count;
        catch (DivideByZeroException e)
            // wrap exception in another one,
            // adding additional context.
            throw (new DivideByZeroException(
            "Count is zero in DoAverage()", e));