Define methods that return a value and accept parameters



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  Example5_3.cs illustrates how to define methods
  that return a value and accept parameters

// declare the Car class
class Car

  public int yearBuilt;
  public double maximumSpeed;

  // the Age() method calculates and returns the
  // age of the car in years
  public int Age(int currentYear)
    int age = currentYear - yearBuilt;
    return age;

  // the Distance() method calculates and returns the
  // distance traveled by the car, given its initial speed,
  // maximum speed, and time for the journey
  // (assuming constant acceleration of the car)
  public double Distance(double initialSpeed, double time)
    return (initialSpeed + maximumSpeed) / 2 * time;


public class Example5_3

  public static void Main()

    // declare a Car object reference and
    // create a Car object
    System.Console.WriteLine("Creating a Car object and " +
      "assigning its memory location to redPorsche");
    Car redPorsche = new Car();

    // assign values to the fields
    redPorsche.yearBuilt = 2000;
    redPorsche.maximumSpeed = 150;

    // call the methods
    int age = redPorsche.Age(2001);
    System.Console.WriteLine("redPorsche is " + age + " year old.");
    System.Console.WriteLine("redPorsche travels " +
      redPorsche.Distance(31, .25) + " miles.");

